Connect to Multi-dimensional Allies,
Heal Thyself, Heal the World

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Dante is a channel for the Pleiadian Council and a spiritually aware guide for our changing earth.

Open to Universal love and wisdom to activate your spiritual gifts bring yourself in alignment with your preferred new reality.

Channeling & Intuitive Healing Course
13 Week Group Immersion

Learn to connect with your guides and use your psychic healing gifts in an activated and safe online community. Over 13 weeks, we layer on the tools necessary for you to fine-tune your healing skills and shine your light in the world.

First Module Begins April 6

Channeling Sessions

Consult the Pleiadian Council for guidance on your soul journey. Connecting with the Pleiadians can support us in refining our metaphysical and personal understanding and establishing clearer connection with our own intuition and guides.

Intuitive Mentorship & Guidance

Work directly with me for support on your journey. In these sessions I offer you a heart-connected space that is more personal. Together we open a space for exploring what is alive in your process of transformation to help you find clarity and alignment. We may explore healing modalities that support you in gaining personal and spiritual understanding, and finding stability on your journey during these transformative times on our planet.

Astrology Readings

Together we consult your astrology chart to see the archetypes alive in your consciousness and potential gateways of transformation and growth that we can see coming through the transits of the planets. Astrology shows our inner reality and our potential gifts, talents and fulfilling roles.

Ongoing Channeling Livestreams & Online Community

Each week Dante goes live to give you access to the Pleiadian Council. Tap into weekly livestream and become a part of a growing global community of spiritual activists and starseeds

Follow Dante Starshine on Instagram

Now more than ever Universe invites us to stay in our truth and open up and follow our hearts smile. If I know one amazing example of a healer/energy-worker doing just that – it is Dante with whom I have exchanged some long-distance energy healing sessions using a live audio connection via Skype. I can highly recommend his sessions that are soothing, warm, optimistic and powerful. Dante works in harmonic sync with the angels, ascended masters and some ET-energies as well as he channels hands-on advice that can be used practically in our everyday lives. ~ Wieteke Kolhoff, Channel for the YahYel from the the Netherlands ~ Design4Awareness

Stay in Our Truth

What you brought in my life in our session still resonates so strongly that I wanted to honor your gifts and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your, well I know, their words and the power behind them have pushed me over the edge of some place I was not trusting I could step over on my own. The declaration of self love has been made natural, the trust in this lasting process of daily purification through tears and release accepted more than ever, and the embracing of the uncomfy patches seems to break through resistances and doubts effortlessly. I have done so much work on myself over the last 20 years, so many healing sessions, and none of the words that were said are words I haven’t heard before and yet your purity and deep embodiment of those teachings, your readiness to live fully that Love and new paradigm, that rewriting of the outdated timelines, has helped me so much in creating a healthy distance between the pain body, the heavy mind and the little stories, and have compassion for all of it, for what they have made me into.  ~ Rachel ~ Healer and Spiritual Practitioner from France

Natural Declaration of Self-Love